Mice Don’t Care its Christmas
Christmas is a day to celebrate with friends and family. It is an incredible experience if all Christmas events are held in nice and clean environments. Avoid cutting short the fun and laughter with a crisis of mice infestation. Mice can contact food stored in a house with bacteria and viruses. Such contaminated food can…
Read MoreMerry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!
Our Team wishes you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!! And dont worry we are still open if you have any problems
Read MoreMice Love Christmas Too!
On a recent visit to a suspected mouse infestation, I discovered something new about mice – they love mincemeat pies! An older couple had suspicions that there were mice in the house but could not figure out where they were or how they were getting in. From their description of the noises, I started my…
Read MoreChristmas Visitors – You Don’t Want a Flea Infestation!
As with other pests at this time of year, fleas are using any means possible to gain access to your warm, dry home, and before you know it, you can have a flea infestation. My colleague very recently told me her story of woe after getting a new kitten. It’s the time when we are…
Read MoreDon’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!
Bed bugs. It instantly makes most of us think of dirty homes and unclean beds. However, this is not the case as they are not attracted to dirt – although it would appear that they don’t mind the state of their chosen resting place! The worst affected places seem to be short-term dwellings such as…
Read MoreHouse Spiders – and how to banish them?
Well, here’s a topic even I’m not keen to cover! However, the media appear to be claiming that we will be over-run by ‘giant’ spiders this year – which I have yet to witness! On the subject, though, here are some thoughts on our eight-legged friends. The reason we generally think spiders are getting bigger…
Read MoreAsian Hornet Alert!
There is a new threat potentially on its way to the UK – the Asian Hornet (or Vespa velutina). These non-indigenous species are being found more and more throughout France. They could quickly end up here via a tourist car/caravan, delivery vehicle or even, possibly, by flying over the channel. These creatures are, on average,…
Read MoreThe Humble Bumble Bee
Bumblebees can be pretty worrisome for any home or business owner faced with their innocent intrusion. These insects are easily confused with wasps due to the similarly bright colours displayed on their bodies. However, like most bees, the bumblebee body is not only more petite but furry. More about the Bumblebee There are twenty-four known…
Read MoreBumble Bees Around The Garden
Bumblebees have their uses in the wild, but when they come too close to your home, they can be a significant problem. Fortunately, Young’s Pest Control are the best and safest way to remove these bees entirely. What is a Pest? A pest often refers to wildlife that becomes destructive or annoying to humans. In…
Read MoreSlugs, Slugs, Everywhere!
You recognize the signs, silvery trails along the path, holes in your prize plants and vegetables – the slugs have found their way into your garden and quite possibly your home! Whilst they are more than a nuisance to gardeners, both expert and amateur, slugs do not pose any threat to humans and, therefore, rarely…
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