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Youngs Pest Control

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Wasp Nest Removal in Canning By Youngs Pest Control

Are you afraid to go outdoors because a wasp nest is in your garden? Well, fear not because we at Youngs Pest waspControl are here to help. With our expert team and years of experience, we specialise in the safe and efficient removal of wasp nests, ensuring that your property is free from these buzzing pests. 

We are a family-run business with over 20 years of experience in fast and professional wasp nest removal in Canning. We are fully qualified exterminators with specialist qualifications and are proud members of the NPTA. Our team provides a fast response and discreet service, arriving in unmarked vans to ensure your privacy. We offer thorough inspections and utilise our expertise to remove wasp or hornet nests safely and efficiently.

Common areas where wasps are found.


Wasp Nest At Roof Level Roof Level
Prone to infestation due to their accessibility and sheltered environment, common areas where wasps are found at roof level include fascia boards, eaves and soffits, and roof spaces. These areas provide ideal locations for wasps to build their nests, as they offer protection from the elements and simple access to food sources. If you need help with a wasp or hornet nest in any of these areas, our team is equipped to safely remove them.



ground levelGround Level
Common areas where wasps are frequently found below the roof level include wall cavities, window frames, and cracks in the walls due to their accessibility and potential for shelter. These areas are prone to infestation for several reasons, mainly the abundance of materials for nest building and the warmth provided by the house. Our team has extensive experience in identifying these areas and safely removing any nests to ensure your home is free from wasp infestations.

outside areas
Outside areas
The outside areas of Canning, such as deckings, flower beds, trees, plant pots, garden furniture, and air vents, are particularly susceptible to wasp infestation. We offer effective wasp nest removal to eradicate infestations and ensure a wasp-free environment in these common areas. Contact us for expert assistance in wasp eradication.

shedGarages and Sheds
Garages and sheds are often infested with wasps because they provide a sheltered environment and offer numerous potential nesting sites. These structures offer refuge from the elements and predators, making them attractive to wasps seeking a safe place to build their nests. If you are experiencing wasp activity in your garage or shed, contact us for efficient and safe removal of any nests.

Wasp Fact: Did you know that by the end of summer, there could be around 6000 wasps in a nest!!!

What to Expect

Prescot Pest Control

When preparing for wasp nest removal in Canning, customers can expect a thorough inspection of the nesting site and the development of a customised treatment plan for effective results. Our team at Youngs takes pride in delivering first-class service. Here's what you can expect from us:

Inspection of the nesting site:

  • Detailed assessment of the nest's location, size, and potential risks.
  • Identification of any secondary nests that may be present.

Customised treatment plan:

  • A tailored approach to address your specific wasp problem.
  • Utilisation of safe and effective methods to eradicate the nest.

Rest assured, our professional and experienced technicians will ensure that your wasp nest removal is carried out efficiently and with the utmost care.


Youngs Pest Control is your Local Expert for Rat Control in Canning.

With our expertise and local knowledge, we are the go-to choice for effective wasp nest removal in Canning. Our team of experts is well-trained in identifying and safely removing wasp nests, ensuring your and your property's safety. We use proven methods and equipment to eliminate wasp nests quickly and efficiently, minimising the risk of stings and further infestations.
We also service Neighboring areas like:

How do I know if I have a wasp problem?

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Visual sightings: Seeing a high number of wasps in or around your property, especially if they are entering and exiting a specific area.
  • Nest presence: Spotting a wasp nest in your garden, attic, or other areas of your property.
  • Increased wasp activity: Noticing an increase in wasp activity, such as buzzing sounds or aggressive behaviour.
  • Wasp stings: Experiencing frequent wasp stings, which could indicate a nearby nest.

Can I treat the Wasp Nest myself?

After determining that you have a wasp problem, it is important to consider whether you should attempt to treat thewasps wasp nest yourself. While it may be tempting to save money and take matters into your own hands, it is essential to understand the risks involved. Treating a wasp nest requires knowledge of wasp behaviour, proper protective gear, and specialised equipment. Without these, you could put yourself and others in danger.

We are your dependable partner for dealing with wasp nests in Canning. Trust our expertise and professional service to keep your home and garden free from wasp infestations, ensuring your peace of mind throughout the process. Trust us at Youngs Pest Control for effective and safe wasp nest removal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Dangers of Leaving a Wasp Nest Untreated?

  • Leaving a wasp nest untreated can be dangerous as it will grow larger. 

Are There Any Preventive Measures I Can Take to Avoid Wasp Infestations in the Future?

  • Sure, there are preventive measures we can take to avoid future wasp infestations. These include sealing entry points, keeping food and garbage covered, and removing potential nesting sites. 

Can wasps be attracted to floral scents?

  • Yes, wasps may be attracted to floral scents, especially if they resemble the nectar of flowers.

Does the wasp or hornet nest need removing after a treatment

  • No, the nest does not necessarily need to be removed after treatment.