The Cute Red Squirrel
Please Note We Do not Remove the Red Squirrel Red Squirrel The red squirrel, or sciurus vulgaris leucourus is a species of squirrel native to much of Eurasia. Although red squirrels were once abundant, their numbers have been dwindling thanks in part to the introduction of the larger, stronger, and hardier grey squirrel. It is…
Read MorePigeon: Professional Pigeon Control
Pigeons have been citizens of Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside for centuries. Still, pigeon droppings and destruction of rooftops, window frames and other structural deterioration are the result of an over population of these birds. Such an overabundance makes feral pigeons monumental avian pests. Professional pest control experts in Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside can help home…
Read MoreFleas Are Doing Well This Year
What’s happened to the summer? We all the rain we have been having it seems to be having a impact on our wasp season, what’s strange though bee’s having been doing really well which is great news for our pollination needs. On the downside fleas have been doing real well to so here’s a couple…
Read MoreBumble Bee Basics
There are almost 250 species of bumblebees across the world, found predominantly, but not exclusively, in the Northern Hemisphere. There are over twenty different species of bumblebees in Britain, but only six species make up the vast majority of sightings in Britain today. These are the Common Carder bee Red-tailed bumblebee Early nesting bumblebee Buff-tailed…
Read MoreHoney Bees – A Primer
The common honey bee (Apis mellifera), also known as the European honey bee or the western honey bee, can be distinguished from a wasp by its hairy body. The hairs are used in gathering pollen grains, which are the bees’ only source of protein. If you are unable to tell by their appearance whether you…
Read MoreBumble Bee Removal Service in Cheshire
Many bees are not harmless, so it is natural to be concerned about the bumble bee which is actually quite harmless. It will only attack if it feels threatened even though it can appear to be quite menacing. Gardner’s find the Bumble Bees to be a great addition to their garden. This gentle, furry bee…
Read MoreCheshire, Manchester, Warrington Bumble Bee Facts
Bumble Bee Facts All work is guaranteed. 24 Hour Service So you got Bumble Bee’s? Why not give us a buzz and get rid of your Bee’s today! £69.50 Fixed Price 0161 776 9832 One of the safest bees to have around your home in Cheshire, Manchester, Warrington , they do not swarm. While they…
Read MorePest Control Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council Wasp Removal
We Charge £44.50 Fixed Price postcode area’s BL, M, SK, WA, WN, OL £54.50 postcode area’s CH, CW, C, L No need to wait in. Prepay by credit or debit card over the phone and we will destroy the nest whilst you are out. Please phone us to advise payment.
Read MoreWasp Removal And Pest Control at Manchester City Council
Manchester City Council now charge £54.00 for its wasp removal treatments time to look else were i think our charges £44.50 Fixed Price postcode area’s BL, M, SK, WA, WN, OL £54.50 postcode area’s CH, CW, C, L No need to wait in. Prepay by credit or debit card over the phone and we will…
Read MoreBury Metropolitan Borough Council Pest Control and Wasp Removal
Before you ring Bury Metropolitan Borough Council if you have a wasp nest why not give us a ring to see if were cheaper, I bet we are: We Charge £44.50 Fixed Price postcode area’s BL, M, SK, WA, WN, OL £54.50 postcode area’s CH, CW, C, L No need to wait in. Prepay by…
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