Problems With Pests ?


Give Us A Call On:


0161 776 9832


07845 815 261

Problems With Pests
In Millbrook?

Professional Pest Control In Millbrook

Need Help? Call Us On 0161 776 9832 For Expert Pest Control Advice On How To Identify Pest Infestations And Help Solve Your Pest Problem.

Two black ants


youngs Bumblebee Nest Removal

Bumble Bee

youngs mouse control


Hough Green Professional Pest Control Rats 


youngs Wasp Nest Removal 


We also treat other pests...

Remember, we cover the whole of Cheshire, Greater Manchester & Merseyside for all your pest-related problems give us a call.

Two black ants


youngs Bumblebee Nest Removal

Bumble Bee

youngs mouse control


Hough Green Professional Pest Control Rats 


youngs Wasp Nest Removal 


We also treat other pests...

Remember, we cover the whole of Cheshire, Greater Manchester & Merseyside for all your pest-related problems give us a call.

Youngs Pest Control

Need Help? Call Us On 0161 776 9832 For Expert Pest Control Advice On How To Identify Pest Infestations And Help Solve Your Pest Problem.












Why Choose Youngs Pest Control in Millbrook

Are you tired of battling pests in your home or business? We here at Youngs Pest Control in Millbrook are your ultimate solution to removing these unwanted pests. Our company offers 24-hour services in case of an emergency, ensuring they are24 Hour mice control services In Millbrook always available to assist in those situations. With our fast response times, issues are quickly addressed, reducing both inconvenience and potential damage. Spanning over 20 years of industry experience, we provide expert solutions for all kinds of pest problems.

As a family-run business and a member of the National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA), we maintain high standards of professionalism and customer satisfaction. Our fully qualified team handles pests of all types, offering specialised treatments based on our specialist qualifications. Moreover, we conduct our work discreetly, using unmarked vans for privacy. Whether it's a domestic or commercial setting, our technicians at Youngs Pest Control are equipped to handle all pest-related issues effectively and efficiently.

Pests We Treat

Experience relief from unwanted visitors as we tackle a wide range of pests, providing effective solutions just for you. Our team here at Youngs Pest Control in Millbrook is dedicated to serving others and ensuring your home or business is pest-free. Here are some of the pests we treat:

Crawling Insects


Bed Bugs




Textile Pests

Flying Insects


Carpet Beetles

Honey Bees




Rodents & Other

Dead Animal Removal





What you get with Youngs Pest Control

We provide a thorough, personalised, and discreet service. This starts with a fast response to your initial inquiry, followed bycockroach banner discreet service conducted with utmost respect for your privacy. Upon arrival, their team conducts a thorough assessment of your property to identify the type and extent of your pest problem. Based on the findings of this assessment, they design a treatment plan tailored to the specific pests and conditions present on your property. After initial treatment, we provide follow-up visits if required to ensure the effectiveness of the intervention and make any necessary adjustments. Lastly, we offer preventative advice to help you maintain a pest-free environment in the future, empowering you with the knowledge to prevent re-infestation.

*Please note that the treatment process may vary depending on the specific pest type.

Common Treatments Available in Millbrook

Flea Treatment

Fleas pose several problems, including bites that cause itching and, in some cases, anaemia in pets that have been a bad flea infestation. Their bites can lead to flea-allergic dermatitis, characterised by intense itching and skin infections. In severe infestations, particularly in small or young pets, fleas can distress. Prompt flea control is essential to mitigate these risks.

Wasp Nest Removal 
Wasp Nest Removal

A wasp sting can cause pain and localised swelling, and in some people, severe allergic reactions can occur, potentially leading to anaphylaxis. Medical attention is urgently needed in this case. Furthermore, wasps can become aggressive when their nests are threatened, leading to multiple stings. Our experts can carry out a proper wasp nest removal quickly and safely so you can enjoy some outdoor fun without having to look out for wasps.

pest control mice
Rodent Control

Rodents, such as mice, rats and squirrels, can cause substantial problems for households and businesses. They pose a threat to structural integrity by gnawing through materials, including wood and electrical wiring, potentially causing fires. Excluding squirrels, other rodents like rats and mice are also vectors for various diseases, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, and salmonellosis, which can be transmitted to humans. Our prompt and effective rodent control is crucial to prevent these issues.

mice control treatments
Bed bug Control

Bed bugs can cause high levels of frustration for homeowners. They are known for their bites, which can lead to itchy bumps and sleep disturbances due to their nocturnal feeding habits. While not known to transmit diseases, their bites can become infected from scratching too often. The presence of bed bugs can also cause significant psychological distress, including anxiety and insomnia. Furthermore, they are notoriously hard to eliminate due to their resilience and ability to hide in small crevices, making professional pest control often necessary.

Pest Control For Residential And Businesses

Pest control is essential for maintaining healthy daily living conditions and protecting the reputation of businesses. InBed bug image residential areas, pests can have a negative impact on living conditions by causing discomfort, health issues, and damage to property. They can invade homes, contaminate food, and spread diseases (Rats or Mice). Additionally, pests can also cause structural damage to houses, leading to costly repairs.

For businesses, irregular pest control treatments can be detrimental to their reputation. Pests like rats or cockroaches can scare away customers and create an unsanitary environment that reflects poorly on the business's commitment to cleanliness. Restaurants, food production companies and retail stores are particularly vulnerable as they rely heavily on customer satisfaction. A single pest sighting could lead to negative online reviews or even legal consequences for failing to maintain proper hygiene standards.

Pest Control in Millbrook

If you're looking for reliable and effective pest management services in your local area, you'll be glad to know there's a reputable company right here in Millbrook. Youngs Pest Control is a local pest control company that specialises in providing top-notch pest management solutions for both residential and business properties. With our expertise and experience, we are dedicated to serving our community by keeping their homes and businesses free from pests.

We also service Neighboring areas like:

Do Pests Affect Your Health

Cheetham Hill pest control in homes

When pests invade your living space, you may not realise the detrimental impact they can have on your overall well-being. These intruders can pose serious health risks to you and your family. The bacteria and viruses carried by rodents and insects can be detrimental to your health. They can contaminate your food, water sources, and living areas with their droppings and urine. Additionally, some people may be allergic to certain pests or their droppings, leading to respiratory problems or skin irritations. It's important to address pest infestations promptly to prevent these health hazards from affecting you and your loved ones.

Do Pests Cause Damage

To truly grasp the extent of damage caused by pests, you must consider the destruction they can have on your property andBedbug banner belongings. Pests have a knack for finding their way into every nook and cranny, causing damage along the way. Rodents chew through wires, leading to potential electrical fires. They damage wooden structures, weakening the foundation of your home. Pests also contaminate food sources, spreading harmful bacteria that can make you sick. Not only do they pose a threat to your health and safety, but pests can also leave behind unsightly messes that are costly to clean up. By infesting your space, pests not only cause physical damage but also create an unwelcome environment that affects your overall well-being. Don't let these destructive pests take over; seek professional pest control services today for a safe and healthy living space.

Pests can have a tremendous impact on your living space, from causing health risks to damaging property and creating an unwelcome environment. It's important to address pest infestations promptly to avoid any potential hazards. Here at Youngs Pest Control, we offer efficient solutions for residential and business properties in Millbrook. By taking the necessary precautions, you can maintain a safe and healthy environment free of pests. Contact us today for reliable pest control services that you can trust!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do mice enter homes?

  • Mice can enter homes through small openings such as gaps in doors, windows, or foundations, cracks in walls, or utility openings. They are adept at squeezing through tiny spaces.

What are the differences between rats and mice?

  • Rats are generally larger than mice, with thicker bodies and longer tails. Mice have smaller bodies and tails in proportion to their size. Rats also have larger heads compared to mice.

Do squirrels damage homes?

  • Yes, squirrels can cause damage to homes. They may chew on electrical wiring, insulation, and woodwork. They can also create entry points into attics or crawl spaces.

What do cockroach eggs look like?

  • Cockroach eggs, also known as oothecae, vary in appearance depending on the species. They are typically brown, dark-coloured, or reddish-brown. The size and shape can differ, but they are often elongated and have a capsule-like structure.