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Youngs Pest Control Flea Treatments in Higher Green

At Youngs Pest Control, we understand the difficulty of dealing with flea infestations. That's why we're here to help. Wefleas Control in Higher Green offer personalised pest control solutions for homes and businesses in the area. Our experienced technicians are committed to using safe and effective methods to eliminate fleas. We are a part of the National Pest Technician Association (NPTA) and have been in the industry for over 15 years, so all our work is of the highest standard.

We at Youngs Pest Control are a local family-run business that strives to keep properties free of fleas for you and your family. Our technicians are experts in the field, so if fleas have taken over, don't hesitate to give us a call. 

Some of the services we offer include :

  • Flea eradication 
  • Inspections 
  • Treatments
  • Follow up services 
  • Prevention Tips

Are you tired of your furry friends being constantly bothered by pesky fleas? Do you want to create a safe and comfortable environment for your pets and family? Look no further than Youngs Pest Control in Higher Green. Not only do these pests put pets at risk of skin irritation and dangerous illnesses like tapeworms, but they also threaten humans too by spreading diseases through biting. That’s why it’s important to take swift action when it comes to getting rid of flea infestations in order to minimize any potential harm. 

Is it safe to ignore a flea treatment?

Ignoring flea treatment can be dangerous as a single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, turning a small infestation into a massive one. This is why it's important to hire our professionals from Youngs Pest Control for flea treatments in Higher Green. Not only do fleas cause discomfort and irritation due to their bites, but they can also transmit diseases that are harmful to both humans and animals.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that their pet being clean means their home is free of fleas. However, these pests are excellent travellers and can hitch a ride on people's clothes, spreading to other homes and public places. Flea treatment is essential not just for your own safety but also for your family and pets.

Ignoring pest control for fleas may seem like an easy way out at first, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Promptly address flea infestations, as they can quickly multiply and spread to different areas of your home, including furniture and carpeted areas. To completely get rid of the infestation, make sure to treat both your pets and their surroundings.

Preparing your home for a flea treatment:

It's critical to perform a few essential tasks to ready your home for the eradication procedure. All of the carpets, rugs, and furniture in your house must be vacuumed to start. All bedding, clothing and basically any washable materials that may have come in contact with the fleas should e thoroughly washed in hot water and dried with high heat to kill off any flea eggs.

There should be clutter lying around in the home. This will give our pest control professionals easy access to areas that need treatment during the flea extermination process. Also, move any furniture that needs treatment away from walls so we can access baseboards and other areas without hindrance. Once you've completed these steps, you'll be ready for our team at Youngs Pest Control to come in and complete the necessary treatments needed for a successful flea eradication process.

By following these simple steps before your flea treatment appointment with us, you're setting yourself up for success as our team works towards ridding your home of fleas once and for all!

Post-treatment aftercare to avoid reinfestation:

To ensure that your home remains flea-free after a professional flea control treatment, it is important to follow post-treatment aftercare guidelines. This will prevent reinfestation and keep your home and pets safe from fleas. One of the most important steps is to remember to wait at least 14 days before mopping or vacuuming your floors, as you will remove the insecticide before the fleas have fully died off. after the 14 days, you should then vacuum and wash all fabrics regularly. This includes carpets, rugs, furniture, drapes, bedding, and clothing. Vacuuming removes any remaining fleas or eggs, while washing fabrics in hot water kills them off.

Another crucial step is to treat your pets for fleas regularly. Consult with your veterinarian on the best method for treating your particular pet's needs which may include using a topical treatment, oral medication or flea collar. Keeping pets treated will prevent them from bringing new fleas into the home, which can start a new infestation.

Lastly, maintaining low humidity levels is essential in preventing the reinfestation of fleas in your home. Humidity aids in the development of flea eggs, so keeping areas dry by leaving windows open or using a dehumidifier can help reduce their growth rate. By following these simple post-treatment aftercare tips, you can maintain a flea-free environment for you and your furry friends!

What to expect from our tech?

Our tech at Youngs Pest Control is highly trained and experienced in flea treatment in the Higher Green area. They will explain what to expect after the flea treatment and how to keep your home and pets free from fleas. Our tech will provide you with peace of mind by answering all your questions about post-treatment aftercare to avoid re-infestation.

You can expect them to perform a thorough inspection of your home and your pets to identify the source and extent of the flea infestation. This may involve checking for signs of fleas, such as flea dirt, and inspecting your carpets, furniture, and bedding for signs of flea activity.

After identifying the issue, we'll create a plan to remove the fleas and stop them from coming back. We may also suggest preventions like keeping your house and garden tidy, washing your pet's bedding frequently, and using anti-flea products for your pets.

Flea TreatmentYou can protect your house or place of business against unwelcome pests by using our services from Youngs Pest Control in Higher Green. Fleas can seriously shorten the lives of cats and dogs, not to mention the health risks they may present to other occupants of your house. You can permanently get rid of fleas by hiring Youngs Pest Control. As soon as you discover any flea activity in your home, give us a call, and we'll send over someone qualified to begin the flea removal procedure at your Higher Green home.

We also service Neighboring areas like Leigh and Astley.
