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Bryn Bumblebee Nest Removal near me
Bumblebees can be dangerous to have around the home. They are territorial and will sting humans if they feel threatened. Therefore, their nests should be removed by a professional Bumblebee exterminator as soon as they are discovered to avoid any potential danger. In addition, bumblebees can sting multiple times and cause anaphylactic shock in people who are allergic to a bee sting.
Symptoms of anaphylactic shock can include:
- Hives or welts on the skin
- Swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Racing heart rate
Bumblebees are known to forage for food during the day; they are mainly inactive during the night. Signs of a Bumblebees nest may include bees buzzing in and out of an opening or honeycomb-like material attached to exterior walls or the eaves of your home. They also nest in lofts, attics, garages, sheds or even crevices, cracks in the wall and most cavities around the house; to help you gather an understanding of these pests, here is a list of a few common species.
Also known as lucorum, Whitetail bees are bumblebee species native to Europe and North Africa. Their black and yellow stripes easily recognize them, and they can be found in meadows, fields, and gardens. These bees are generalist foragers, meaning that they will collect nectar and pollen from various plants. Whitetail bees form colonies of around 50-200 individuals. The nests are typically located in abandoned rodent burrows or cavities in trees. The eggs hatch into larvae that feed on pollen and nectar until they pupate. The adults emerge about two weeks later.
The Gypsy cuckoo bee is a social bee found in Eastern and Central Europe. Although not generally considered dangerous, they are easily identified by their all-black body with white stripes across the top of their abdomen. The queens seek out cavities in trees or abandoned rodent burrows for nesting sites during springtime when there is little competition from other cavity-nesting bees. Up to 1500 females will overwinter inside a nest together, surviving off each other's stored fat reserves and eventually emerging in late spring once again to mate and search for new nests to start over.
The Northern whitetail bee is a species of bumblebee found in North America. These bees are easily recognized by their black and white stripes, and they can be found in meadows, fields, and gardens. These bees are generalist foragers, meaning that they will collect nectar and pollen from various plants. They are gentle-natured and do not sting unless they feel threatened. Northern whitetail bees form colonies of around 50-200 individuals. The nests are typically located in abandoned rodent burrows or cavities in trees. The eggs hatch into larvae that feed on pollen and nectar until they pupate. The adults emerge about two weeks later.
Bryn Bumblebee nest removal service near me is the best way to get rid of bumblebees. We offer professional Bumblebee hive removal services that will take care of your problem quickly and safely. It would be better to avoid attempting to remove a hive yourself using DIY products – this can be dangerous for you and the bees. Instead, please leave it to the Bryn Bumblebee hive removal service professionals to get rid of Bumblebees quickly, safely, and affordably. Have you tried our services? Contact us today for more information!