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I have a bird trapped in my chimney. What can I do?

First off, I want to say that you’re very unlucky it doesn’t happen to many of us, so what do you do now? Well, there’s no simple solution. But, unfortunately, you’re going to have to get the bird out of the chimney as quick as you possibly can. As you have a duty of care because it’s a living animal, after all, you wouldn’t want to be trapped in a small space without any food and water.

Now removing the bird all depends on what you have at the bottom of your chimney. For example, do you have a gas fire do have a solid fuel fire, do you not even have a fire, and you’ve covered it up with plasterboard?

bird controlUnfortunately, there’s only one way to get the bird out. You are going to have to remove whatever fire or appliance you have installed in the chimney. You’re going to have to get a professional to remove whatever fire you got. For example, here in the UK, a Safe Gas engineer has to remove gas fires.

Once the fire has been removed, you should be able to see the bird at the back of the fire, which Young’s pest control can safely remove. Also, it might be worth letting us CCTV your chimney to ensure no birds nests are present.

To stop any future birds coming down the chimney, you will be best off getting a chimney engineer to fit a bird guard on top of the chimney cowl.

Remember, if you have a trapped bird in your chimney or a bird’s nest in your chimney stack, we are always here, happy to help and give advice. Please contact Young’s pest control on 0161 776 9832.

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