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How do I know if I have fleas?

A flea infestation is probably one of the worst pests you can have in your home. There is no hiding or escaping them while you are in your house. They can hide in any crack or crevice and even lay dormant for up to 12 months after a single feed or in the egg stages.

Just 24 to 48 hours after a single feed, a female flea may lay up to as many as 50 eggs a day. They can lay this many eggs because they suck up 15 times their body weight in blood daily when they feed.

So how do I know if fleas are on my property?

  1. The first thing you should do is check your pet, or if you’re seeing your pets scratching a lot, this might be because they have fleas typically on pets if you check around the neck, you may visit the fleas, It might be worth investing in a flea comb to help you search for fleas on your pet.
  2. Searching your animal for fleas, you might see some brown little dust masks, which are their droppings that are dried up. Blood flea droppings may also be found in the animals bedding or where the animals spend much time.
  3. One of the main reasons why people think they have fleas is because of their bites. As a general rule of thumb, you constantly get bitten from the waist down, especially around your ankles. However, no part of the body is not safe.

I know I have fleas. How do I get them treated?

Fleas can be tricky, and using chemicals in the household can be dangerous, so here at Young’s pest control, we would always recommend using a professional pest control expert like ourselves.

When we go out to a property, we always recommend two treatments spread out 14 days apart. This will break the life cycle of the fleas, making sure that we get rid of every flea on the property. It is always a good idea to book your pet or animal into the vet for a flea treatment.

Flea facts

1. The world has over 2000 different species of fleas, the most popular being the cat flea.

2. 1 Adult flea feeding daily over 50 days will a 2050 eggs.

3. Almost all species of fleas, the females are larger than the males.

4. If a flea was the same size as a human, it could jump 970 feet long.

5. Fleas can jump 30000 times without even stopping.

6. Fleas don’t have her ears.

7. The average flea is anywhere between 2.1 mm and 3.1 mm the most giant flea is the beaver flea which is around 11.1 mm.

8. Fleas can be frozen for up to a year and then revive themselves.

So who would know something about bike show can I have so many amazing facts but don’t worry. Using a professional company you like, Young’s pest control will eradicate your flea infestation with ease.

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