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How can I tell if my pet has fleas?
Figuring out if your pet has fleas involves looking for a few key signs and symptoms. One of the biggest giveaways is excessive scratching, biting, or licking, particularly around the neck, tail base, and groin areas. Fleas cause intense itching with their bites, which inject saliva containing irritating substances. You might also spot red, inflamed, or scabbed skin where your pet has been scratching or biting. Another clue is flea dirt, which looks like small black or dark brown specks. You can check for flea dirt by using a fine-toothed comb and combing through your pet's fur, especially near the base of the tail and under the belly. If you put the collected debris on a damp paper towel, flea dirt will turn reddish-brown, indicating digested blood.
In severe infestations, you might see live fleas moving through your pet's fur, especially in less hairy areas. Hair loss, hot spots, and secondary skin infections can also happen due to flea bites. Changes in behavior like restlessness and irritability can be a sign of flea infestations, too. Regular grooming and keeping a close eye on your pet are crucial for catching fleas early.
Can fleas cause allergic reactions in pets or people?
Yes, fleas can cause allergic reactions in both pets and people, primarily due to their saliva, which contains numerous irritating substances. In pets, flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a common condition where an animal develops an allergic response to flea bites. Symptoms of FAD include intense itching,hair loss, red and inflamed skin, and the development of hot spots or secondary infections. Pets with FAD often exhibit severe discomfort and may continuously scratch, bite, or lick affected areas, leading to further skin damage and irritation. Even one flea bite can trigger a significant reaction in sensitive animals, making it crucial to manage flea infestations promptly.
Humans can also experience allergic reactions to flea bites. In people, flea bites typically appear as small, red, itchy bumps, often concentrated around the ankles and legs. Some individuals may develop a more intense allergic reaction known as papular urticaria, characterized by clusters of itchy, red papules. In some cases, more severe reactions, such as generalized allergic reactions or secondary infections from scratching, may occur. For both pets and people, preventing flea infestations is essential to avoid these allergic reactions. Regular use of flea prevention treatments, maintaining a clean environment, and monitoring for signs of fleas can help reduce the possibility of allergic responses and ensure a comfortable living space for all. Hiring professionals like us here at Youngs Pest Control can also help control existing flea infestations and prevent future ones. So, it is always better to take necessary precautions to keep your pets and family safe from fleas.