Have You Found A Wasp Nest In Your Shed?

The old wasp nest in shed trick:

queen wasp

Paper Wasp Queen

In the wee hours of a late spring morning, it is cold out. There is gardening to do, and going to the shed half asleep is all but routine every Saturday to get tools. As the door to the hut is approached, a faint buzzing sound can be distinctly heard. The first impulse is to run. However, as the handyman/woman of the house, it must be investigated, a papery cone hangs on the slated roof as insects a few centimetres long clamour in and out of this contraption, clear as the dawning day, there is a wasp nest in a shed, and it is overflowing with the stinging insects.

The intelligent thing to do would be to call for help from officiated wasp nest removal experts, but who can afford it in this economy? So after a few attempts at removing the wasp nest, albeit with enough wasp stings to last for a lifetime, victory goes to the wasps over the coming weeks where one removed wasp nest today is an enormous colony tomorrow. Suffice it to say thirty pounds could have solved the problem the day it arose, but little if any information is out there about the dangers of inexperienced homeowners taking down wasps.

Wasp Nest removal Manchester:

It can be a daunting task. As spring transitions to summer, wasp nests only grow more significant to a length of almost 2 feet. The closer it gets to winter, the sooner wasp queens hibernate, which means bad news for anyone wandering nearby. Higher aggression makes a much higher likelihood of wasp stings. Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire mainly house the common wasp along with the German wasp. (they sting…a lot)

Wasp nests look like a particularly off-white colour in a shape that slowly develops into a paper-like cone made from bits of wood.

These insects can be found nearly anywhere, on windows, under slates of roofs, attics, even in wardrobes; they are adaptable to different living conditions.

Though some species are harmless, most are not. Therefore, it is better to get consultation and experienced professionals to help than the regular DIY.

The best advice:

Wasp stings are terrible, granted a nest can contain up to 25,000 wasps and that one can sting repeatedly, it is not safe to attempt to remove a wasp nest alone. Stings can range from excruciatingly painful to nausea, vomiting and even anaphylaxis (acute allergic reaction). In addition, wasps are known to be particularly aggressive when protecting their nests and will not hesitate to attack humans.

Hire the experts; it will save a lot of pain and time.