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Rainhill Bumblebee Hive Removal
Bumblebees can be a nuisance to have around your home. They are attracted to brightly coloured flowers, so they will likely swarm around if you have any in your yard. But what happens if you're allergic to bees? It turns out it's not good. Allergies to bee stings can be severe and even life-threatening. So if you see them flying near your home, make sure to get rid of the bumblebees by contacting Rainhill Bumblebee Nest Removal Near Me before they can sting you.
What happens if you're allergic to bees?
Bee allergies make it vital that you avoid contact with them. If you are stung, you may experience a range of symptoms, including anaphylaxis, which can be fatal. In most cases, anaphylactic reactions take place within minutes of being stung and can cause breathing difficulties, swelling of the tongue or throat, hives, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Following a sting, if you experience these symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately. Also, be sure to contact Rainhill Bumblebee Hive Removal. We will send one of our expert bumblebee exterminators to get rid of the bumblebees.
The Nesting and Breeding Cycle of Bumblebees
Bumblebees nest in the ground, compost heaps, in old rodent holes, or in other sheltered places. Nests are also often built-in cavities in trees. Bumblebees will not reuse old nests if they are available. Instead, the queen bumblebee emerges from hibernation in the spring and starts to build a nest. As well as laying eggs, she gathers pollen and nectar for the nest and also lays eggs. The queen feeds the larvae that hatch from these eggs.
As the colony grows, the queen bumblebee will lay more eggs. These eggs will hatch into worker bees. The worker bees will then take over collecting food and provisioning the nest. Moreover, they will assist in caring for the larvae. A bumblebee nest contains 50-600 bees at the most. In terms of survival of the nest, only the queen bumblebee survives the winter months. She hibernates alone, usually in a rodent hole. Then, in spring, she starts to build a new nest and raise a new colony.
Red-tailed bumblebees are one of the most common types of bumblebees. They are about 15-20 mm long and usually have a black and yellow body with a reddish tail. The male red-tailed bumblebees have a yellow ruff. Their wings are transparent with dark veins.
The Bilberry bumblebee (Bombus monticola) is a medium-sized, light brown coloured species of bumblebee that nests in raised ground sections. They are dormant at the end of summer and start being active in springtime when they look for nesting sites, including soil erosion areas, moorland tussocks, mole-hills, abandoned rodent burrows, and even small birds nests.
If you think you may have a bumblebee infestation, don't wait. Contact a professional immediately. Not only will they be able to help get rid of the bees safely and effectively, but they can also offer advice on how to prevent future infestations. Don't try to take care of the problem yourself with DIY products- this is often ineffective and can even worsen the situation down the road. Instead, by choosing an expert like Rainhill Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me, you can rest assured that your family and home are in safe hands.