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Professional Salford Mole Trapping
Few people ever see living moles. We do however see the effects of their subterranean activities. Molehills are a common site all over the UK. You may think that they are just a minor cosmetic bump, but the presence of a tunnel system will affect the shape of the surface, and damage the roots of grass and plants. On agricultural and equine land, the surface irregularities will cause hazards for livestock, and crops will be deprived of nutrition by the burrows beneath them. Salford mole trapping and control is a solution to both commercial and domestic properties with infestations.
What damage do they cause?
The presence of tunnels moves soil away from the roots of plants. The air-pockets stop nutrients being taken up by the roots. This affects the overall health of lawns and crops. Lawns and golf courses will also develop irregularities in the surface. On a golf course, this will obviously affect gameplay. Mole control on a golf course is essential for business. Domestically, a lawn may lose its healthy green hue as its health is reduced.
Beneath the molehills, there will be a shaft providing air to the tunnel network. This can be a trip hazard. Salford mole trapping and control will remove this hazard and help to maintain a healthy, flat surface.
How can we get rid of them?
From the sheer number of molehills, you may assume that there are hundreds of moles beneath you. This isn't the case. Moles are solitary creatures and you will rarely find more than 3 per acre. This makes Salford mole trapping and control very difficult. Finding a handful of moles in an extensive tunnel network beneath a large field is no small task.
Salford mole trapping is the most effective course of action, but due to its level of difficulty, it is better handled by professionals with the experience of Young's pest control. Knowing where to lay the traps requires in-depth knowledge of the mole's behaviour and lifestyle.
Mole networks are vast. A mole can dig at a rate of 1 foot per minute. They can move quickly, and their tunnels are on multiple levels. Some tunnels are just beneath the surface, while others can be 2 feet below ground. Predicting where a mole may be at any point in time takes a certain understanding of the pest. Young's have a wealth of experience to ensure our Salford mole trapping endeavours are a success.