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Are Squirrels Causing You Problems
While the grey squirrel is a beloved creature in many parts of North America, they are viewed as invasive species in the UK and can cause significant damage to property. Grey squirrels often strip bark from trees, which can kill or weaken them, and they also raid bird feeders and gardens for food, causing widespread destruction. Suppose you have grey squirrels on your property. In that case, it is vital to contact Northenden Squirrel Trapping to remove them before they cause any more damage.
How do they damage your home?
The damages that grey squirrels can cause to your property are significant. Grey squirrels often chew through wiring, which can lead to fires that will ruin all your valuables. They also damage cavity insulation, which can result in higher heating bills. Squirrels have incisors that never stop growing, which makes them gnaw continuously on hard objects to keep their teeth filed down. They often gnaw on wooden beams, which weakens your property structure. Additionally, grey squirrels can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and other animals. For these reasons, it is important to contact a professional squirrel trapping service like Northenden Squirrel Pest Control after noticing squirrel activity on your property.
Ever wondered how they get in?
There are a few ways that squirrels can get inside your home. One way is that they can chew on the roof or siding of your home to create an opening. They can also jump up onto the roof from nearby trees or buildings. If there is an opening in your home, such as a hole in the roof or a cracked window, squirrels can easily enter. Once they are inside, they will nest in the attic or any other warm place they can find. Squirrels can cause extensive damage to homes. Contacting squirrel control experts is the best way of getting rid of squirrels.
There are a few things that can attract squirrels to your property. Most commonly, they may be looking for food. They may also be attracted to your property if there is a lot of shelters available, such as trees or bushes. If you have a bird feeder, this can also attract squirrels.
What do they eat
Squirrels are omnivorous animals that eat a variety of things, including nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. These animals are also known to eat birds and bird eggs. Squirrels typically bury their food so that they can retrieve it later. Squirrels survive through the winter with the food that they buried for the season.
The breeding cycle
Female grey squirrels breed in the winter. They give birth to their babies in the spring, and the babies stay with their mothers for a few months. The babies will reach reproductive maturity between 10 months to a year. By ignoring the presence of grey squirrels in your home, you could be allowing a vicious breeding cycle to start and the population of squirrels to grow on your property. Northenden Squirrel Trapping can handle this problem for you.
Description of a grey squirrel
Grey squirrels are typically about 18-24 inches long, including their tail. They generally are grey or light brown in colour but can also be black. They have large ears and sharp teeth, and males are larger than females.
Suppose you are dealing with a squirrel infestation in your home or business. In that case, it is crucial to choose an expert like Northenden Squirrel Pest Control. Do not try to deal with the problem on your own using DIY products – these are unlikely to work and may even make the situation worse. Squirrels are an invasive species and must be dealt with as soon as possible to ensure minimal damage. For more information about our squirrel extermination services or to make an appointment, please contact us on 0161 776 9832.