Pest control treatment

Youngs Pest Control Flea Treatments in Hulme

At Youngs Pest Control, we understand the difficulty of dealing with flea infestations. That's why we're here to help. WeFlea Treatment in Hulme offer personalized pest control solutions for homes and businesses in the area. Our experienced technicians are committed to using safe and effective methods to eliminate fleas. We are a part of the National Pest Technician Association (NPTA) and have been in the industry for over 15 years, so all our work is of the highest standard.

We at Youngs Pest Control are a local family-run business that strives to keep properties free of fleas for you and your family. Our technicians are experts in the field, so if fleas have taken over, don't hesitate to give us a call. 

Some of the services we offer include :

  • Flea eradication 
  • Inspections 
  • Treatments
  • Follow up services 
  • Prevention Tips

At Youngs Pest Control, we acknowledge the importance of feeling safe and secure in your own Hulme home. Whether you're dealing with a flea infestation or any other pest issue, our team has the expertise and equipment required to effectively eliminate pests quickly. With years of experience in the industry, we know how important it is to act fast when pests are involved. So if you're looking for reliable pest control services in Hulme, look no further than Youngs Pest Control!

Outline the reasons for fleas spreading.

Fleas can move from one pet to the next through direct contact. If two animals come into close proximity to each other, fleas can easily jump from one host to the other.

Secondly, fleas can also spread through an infested environment. If an animal with fleas spends time in a room or area, the fleas can jump off and hide anywhere in that space. These fleas can then infest other animals or humans that enter the same environment.

Lastly, wild animals such as rats and squirrels could carry fleas which have the potential to spread onto domestic pets or even humans if they come into contact with them.

Ways to know when you need flea control

If you're feeling itchy all over and noticing your pets scratching excessively, it may be a sign that you need to take care of some unwanted pests in your home. Here are some frequent signs that you might need flea control:

1. Itching and scratching are the most noticeable symptoms of a flea infestation.

2. If you've noticed tiny black dots (flea faeces) on your pet's skin or bedding, or if you've actually seen fleas jumping on them, it's time to take action.

3. Fleas emit a musty odour that can be quite strong when there are large numbers of them present. If you notice this smell on your property, it's likely that there is a flea infestation.

4. Even if you don't have pets, fleas can still find their way into your home through clothing or personal items that were previously in an infested environment.

After Treatment, what do I do to ensure its success?

What should you do after the treatment is done? First and foremost, wait at least 14 days before vacuuming or mopping your floors. This will ensure that any remaining fleas or eggs are killed off.

Next, it's important to wash all bedding and fabrics in hot water above 95°F (35°C) to kill any remaining fleas or eggs. Dry them on the highest setting possible to ensure complete eradication. Treat your pets for fleas as well by consulting with a veterinarian.

Importance of treating a flea infestation?

Here are some reasons why it's vital to get rid of fleas promptly:

  1.  Fleas can transmit diseases such as bubonic plague, typhus, and cat scratch fever to both humans and animals. These illnesses can be serious or even life-threatening in some cases.
  2. The bites of fleas can cause itching and irritation on both humans and pets, leading to scratching that may result in skin infections.
  3. Fleas don't just live on your pets – they can also infest carpets, furniture, bedding, clothing, and other areas of your home. 

Flea TreatmentAfter learning about the pesky little critters known as fleas and how they can quickly spread throughout your home, it's clear that proper flea control is a must. Ignoring this problem can lead to uncomfortable itching and even serious health risks for you and your pets. So don't let these tiny invaders take over your home any longer. Take action today with Youngs Pest Control in Hulme and say goodbye to those pesky fleas once and for all!

We also service Neighboring areas like Manchester and Moss Side.
