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Hale BumbleBee Control Treatments
Instantly recognizable by their round shape, plump and furry bodies and characteristic black and yellow colouration, the bumblebees are an ever-present feature in the spring and summer landscape all over the country. They live in colonies set up by the queen bee who can choose a variety of locations for the bumblebee nest. Some typical venues are:
- trees and bushes, bird-box entrance holes
- spots high up in man-made structures, such as eaves, top of the chimney stacks, underneath the roof tiles
- wall cavities and air vents
- sheds and compost heaps.
Once set up, the nest soon becomes a highly active entity, bustling with the movements and work of its numerous occupants that swarm near the entrance. If the nest is close to your home and work areas there is always a significant risk of being stung. The bumblebees will defend their perimeter and will attack if you get close to their home. The stings can cause pain, swelling, itchiness, hives. There is a danger of allergic reaction which can be potentially life-threatening, or obstruction of the airways if the swelling happens to be near the mouth.
The tree bumblebees are a relatively new presence in the country. This type of bees made a bold entrance on our scenery several years ago. They soon became a frequent occurrence, spreading rapidly, establishing their colonies in bird boxes which are popular throughout the country. The tree bumblebees colonies can respond aggressively if their nest shakes, which may happen in many common, everyday situations with a variety of activities in the vicinity of the nest, such as with a loud noise or banging of doors. The bees can then stir en masse and spill out of the nest in agitation - an alarming sight with a potential of significant harm.
It is never a good idea to attempt Hale bumblebee removal on your own - bees will guard their colony and attack. The only safe way to deal with the risk posed by the nest is to contact our Hale bumblebee control specialists. They have the suitable equipment, the knowledge and expertise of Hale bumblebee control, and will be able to undertake the bumblebee removal in the safest possible way. This is particularly important if the nest is located in a place with difficult or awkward access - in such cases attempting to get close to it and treat it without professional advice may be extremely hazardous.