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Davenport Bumblebee Hive Removal
Everyone loves the sunny days, kids playing around, and people enjoying gardening, but what happens when a Bumblebee nest on your property causes panic? These bees are known to sting multiple times, so an unsuspecting kid or pet could get stung for being themselves because Bumblebees don't know any better. Once they perceive you as a threat, they will attack and with each sting, each bee releases a dose of venom into your bloodstream. If you're unfortunate to suffer from allergies to venom, you could go into anaphylactic shock. This is when your airways swell up. You can't breathe, so a warm summer afternoon can quickly turn into despair, and you could end up dying.
Upon finding a nest on your property, it is advisable not to leave it for too long as it will only allow them more time to reproduce. They tend to make themselves at home almost anywhere around the house. However, common places include garages, sheds, crevices, cracks in the walls or even compost heaps, cavities in the home or in trees. Even home insulation is not out of the question. In most cases, understanding them is key to not getting some. We can help. We have listed a few common types.
The Bombus campestris cuckoo bee is a member of the large family of bumblebees. They are found throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. They are of the subgenus Psithyrus. The Bombus campestris cuckoo bee is not very social like other bumblebees, but they do form colonies that consist of usually between 30 and 90 members. They normally have between 1 and 7 queens depending on the time of year.
The Bombus campestris cuckoo bee is one of only two species in its subgenus. They are about 11 mm long(0.4 inches) with very short tongues. They cannot reach deep into flowers to collect nectar, so they mainly feed on shallow flowering plants. The Bombus campestris cuckoo bee is coloured black with yellow or orange stripes where its wings attach to its thorax (the second section of an insect's body).
The Large garden bumblebee (Bombus ruderatus) is a large, black and yellow bee that can be found throughout the UK. They nest in the ground, preferring to make their home in abandoned rodent burrows. These bees are important pollinators and will often be seen foraging on flowers such as red clover, thistles and legumes. Stinging generally occurs only when they feel threatened. Bumblebees live in colonies of up to 400 individuals and usually start nesting in early spring.
The Early bee, Bombus pratorum, belongs to a group of bumblebees that can be found throughout Europe and North America. They are approximately 15-20 mm long, and are black or dark brown in colour. They nest in the ground, usually near flowers, and typically sting humans only if they feel threatened. Their colonies can contain up to 400 individuals.
Early bees are black or dark brown in colour and are about 15-20 mm long. Only the queen of the hive can sting, but even still, she rarely does unless someone is attacking her (and you're not really at fault here). Their nests are typically located near flowers. They feed on nectar mostly and other things like rotting fruit, fish, or other animal scraps.
At Davenport Bumblebee Nest Removal services near me, we know how to get rid of bumblebees. We've been serving this area for over 15 years. We have successfully removed thousands of beehives from homes just like yours. And if you need help with any other pest control service removal needs, don't hesitate to contact our Bumblebee exterminators at 0161 776 9832 today!