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Bolton Cockroach Control - A Hardy Pest Best Left To Professionals
When someone thinks of a cockroach, the term 'pest' will nearly always come to mind. But, unfortunately, these are not cute, lovable creatures but hardy and potentially dangerous pests.
Whilst they do not look remotely pleasant, the dangers they pose to humans are wide and varied. For example, a live cockroach can transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning and directly harmful bacteria colonies, parasitic worms, and human pathogens. Additionally, they can survive extreme circumstances, rendering any type of home treatment ineffective. Therefore, the best course of Bolton cockroach control is best left to professionals who will dispatch the infestation in a effective and safe way.
Cockroaches are known to prefer warm, moist environments. This is why they often turn up in homes and can be seen in some of the less hygienic restaurants and commercial premises. Many things may attract cockroaches, but it is often dirty dishes (presenting a food source), improper cleaning away of food and rubbish, and leaving food for more extended periods. Cockroaches will then work through cracks in seals or open entryways (such as doors left ajar or gaps underneath the door.) But the problems are not caused just by live cockroaches. Their bodies and shells continue to carry deadly bacteria, so even after you may think they've gone or ceased to be a problem, they're still a threat and still require some form of Bolton cockroach control.
Our team of specialists are trained to deal with precisely this type of problem. Whether in the home or commercial premises, we will be able to attend 24 hours a day, seven days a week, carrying out an effective, and reasonably priced Bolton cockroach control treatment. Do not be fooled into thinking these can be dealt with by a cheap or suggested home method; cockroach pest control is not something that can be left to chance, as the risks are high if improper cockroach treatment is carried out. Furthermore, our vans are unmarked, saving embarrassment for the homeowner or loss of business for the commercial customer; a discreet course of Bolton cockroach control is guaranteed.
If you find the following in your building:
- Smear marks
- Droppings
- Unusual odours
- Skin sheddings
Then one or all of the above may be a sign of a cockroach infestation. Call us; we're trained for precisely this type of pest.