Bumblebee Hive Removal £69.50
Bumblebee Hive Removal £69.50

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Prestbury Bumblebee Hive Removal

It is not uncommon for people in the United Kingdom to find bumblebee nests on their property. While these nests mayPrestbury Bumblebee Nest Removal seem harmless, they can present a danger if not removed properly. This article will discuss the risks and dangers of having a bumblebee nest on your property and the importance of having them removed by a professional Bumblebee Exterminator from Prestbury Bumblebee Nest Removal Service Near Me.

Bumblebees are generally docile creatures, but they can sting if they feel threatened. This is especially true if the nest is disturbed or destroyed. The sting of a bumblebee is not usually dangerous to humans, but it can be excruciating. In addition, if you are allergic to bee stings, you may experience a more severe reaction.

Bumblebees usually nest in cavities in the ground, such as old mouse nests or abandoned bird nests. Nests can also be constructed from hollow trees, tall grass, compost heaps, attics or in gaps under buildings. Suppose you think you may have a bumblebee nest on your property. In that case, it is crucial to contact Prestbury Bumblebee Hive Removal.


Bumblebees go through a complete life cycle, from egg to adult. The queen bumblebee starts the colony by laying eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae become tiny and white. The larvae eat much food and grow quickly. They then turn into pupae, which look like small cocoons. The bumblebees change from their larval form into their adult form in the pupae stage. After a few weeks, the pupae hatch into adult bees. The nest where the queen bee starts her colony is called a hive. A bumblebee hive can have from a few dozen to over hundreds of bees.

The Billberry Bumblebee

Prestbury Bumblebee Nest RemovalThe Billberry bumblebee (Bombus monticola) is aptly named, its large sectioned body resembling the pattern of a bilberry fruit. Its furry thorax ranges in colour from red and orange to green or yellow-brown, while its abdomen is typically black. In addition, the Bilberry Bumblebee's abdomen has a noticeable hair tuft, absent in the other Bombus species.

This bumblebee is among the most common bumblebees and is widely distributed throughout Britain. It is also one of the earliest to be seen in the year, often flying in February and March.

Red-tailed Bumblebee

The red-tailed bumblebee is a medium-sized, queenless bumblebee. Their thorax is usually black and yellow, and they have a few white hairs on their thorax and measure about 25mm long. Their nests are usually built in the open, in places such as flower beds, under hedges, or in old bird boxes.

Tree Bumblebees

Among the most common types of bumblebees are tree bumblebees. They are usually about 15-20 mm long and can be black, brown, or ginger in colour. They typically nest in abandoned rodent burrows but will also take advantage of man-made tunnels or hollows in trees.

Taking action fast is essential in the event of a bumblebee infestation. Do not try to deal with the problem on your ownPrestbury Bumblebee Nest Removal using DIY products – these can be dangerous and may not solve the issue. Instead, contact an expert like Prestbury Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me right away. We have years of experience dealing with bumblebees and will work swiftly to get rid of them, allowing you to regain security.