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Mere Bumblebee Hive Removal
Did you know that bumblebees are becoming an invasive species around the home? They're commonly mistaken for other bees, but they're much more aggressive and can sting multiple times. To treat a bumblebee infestation, an exterminator will be required. It's essential to take action before they do damage.
People who are allergic to bee stings may go into anaphylactic shock, and if this happens, Due to their body's immune system being weakened by the venom, parts of your face could swell up. Additionally, you'll experience difficulty breathing because this happens in some cases with blockages throughout one's respiratory system that can be life-threatening without treatment on time!
Those pesky little bugs are all over! You'll find them under bridges, in crevices of rocks and logs, and in trees in the wild. They love to nest on your property - so keep an eye out for bird boxes, cavities around homes (especially ones with siding), between decking boards or behind fascia wood panels etc. The list goes on, but we recommend never trying to get rid of Bumblebees yourself because it's a job strictly meant for professionals like Mere Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me who know what they're doing.
Species of bumblebees
The white-tailed bumblebee is a species of Eastern European origin and is the most common type of bee found in Britain. These bees are double-brooded to produce two major generations per year. They often form nests with other colony members under the eaves or high inside buildings like abandoned houses or sheds. The size range for this type of bumblebee varies from 12 to 24 millimetres long, and its weight ranges anywhere from three to 20 grams (pounds). It's also important to mention that there are nine different colours: black, blue, brown/orange striped yellow (common), greenish.
Large garden bumblebees (Bombus ruderatus) are one of the larger types of bumblebees. In addition to being black or dark brown, they possess a characteristic orange band on their abdomen. Garden bumblebees nest in large groups of 400 to 500 individuals and usually sting humans if they feel threatened. Late summer or early fall is when bumblebees mate, and the female bumblebee will lay her eggs in an underground nest.
Moss carder bumblebees are also one of the larger UK bumblebees, typically around 16-18mm in length. They are generally black and yellow but can sometimes be entirely black. They nest in all kinds of places, including old bird nests, holes in the ground, under stones or logs, and even in buildings. Bumblebees will sting if they feel threatened. Moss carders have quite large colonies, often numbering over 100 individuals. The queen's mate early in the season (usually between February and April), after which the colony gradually dies off until only the new queens remain.
While removing a bumblebee nest on your own is possible, it is not recommended. You risk being stung by the bees, but you may also be doing more harm than good. Instead, it is best to call in an expert like the Mere Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me who can eliminate the infestation quickly and safely. You don't want to wait until the situation gets out of hand – contact Mere Bumblebee Hive Removal today for fast, effective bee removal services.