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Handforth Bumblebee Hive Removal
Bumblebees may be small, but they can deliver a painful sting – and multiple stings. In addition, these bees are becoming increasingly invasive, making their way into homes and yards in search of food. While they're not aggressive by nature, bumblebees can pose a danger to people and pets if they feel threatened. Is there any way to protect yourself from these buzzing pests? Read on for some tips.
Bee stings are a common everyday occurrence for many people, but those who have allergic reactions can be in serious trouble. Anaphylactic shock could result from bee venom exposure and, if not treated quickly enough, might lead to death!
Bumblebees are common pests in the wild and on your property. There are a lot of them under bridges, in cracks of rocks, and logs; they also frequent cracks big enough for them to build nests out of—such places include bird boxes around homes or cavities between decking boards (especially if there's been recent construction). If you come across one during the inspection, though- don't try to get rid of Bumblebees on your own. An exterminator will know what the best time & method is, so be sure to find someone qualified like Handforth Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me.
Common types of bumblebees
The Shrill carder bee is a type of bumblebee with a long and straight antenna. The body colour ranges from light to dark brown, often with black hairs on the thorax or abdomen. The head has large eyes, which give it an intense appearance. Compared to other types of bumblebees, this species is rare in Britain but found across Europe and the southern parts of Russia. Males - females: female nest opening form in order for males to enter the nest
Great yellow bumblebees are large, robust bumblebees that can often be seen foraging on flowers. They are mostly black and yellow in colour, with a few orange or red hairs on their body. Nests are usually found inside sheltered spaces, such as in the cavities of buildings or under garden sheds. They usually only sting humans if they feel threatened, and they typically have around 50-200 bees in a colony. Great yellow bumblebees mate towards the end of summer, and the females will then hibernate over winter to lay eggs the following spring.
The Buff-tailed Bumblebee, Bombus Terrestris, is a prevalent and widespread bumblebee species. It is the second-largest bumblebee in Britain after the Great Yellow Bumblebee. This species is mostly black or brownish with buff-coloured hairs on the thorax (upper body), hence its name. The buff-tail is a ground nester and usually nests in abandoned rodent holes or bird nests, but can also be found nesting in piles of stones or bricks. In late summer, males start to search for mates, flying high in the air over fields and meadows. After mating, the females will begin to build their nests and lay eggs. The eggs will hatch into larvae which will feed on pollen and nectar.
Handforth Bumblebee Nest Removal service near me is the best company to call if you are experiencing a bumblebee infestation. They have the expertise and knowledge needed to deal with these pests properly and will safeguard your family from stings. If you are seeing an increase in bumblebees near your home, do not try to treat the problem yourself; contact a professional like Handforth Bumblebee Hive Removal right away.